Hida Sangyo KITZUKI / Japan PROVINCIAL Ladder Back Armchair #33059
Hida Sangyo KITZUKI / Japan PROVINCIAL Ladder Back Armchair #33059
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- 倉庫住所:
- 〒144−0046 東京都 大田区 東六郷1丁目12-3
- Warehouse stock location
- Kamata Warehouse No. 1
This is a ladder-back armchair from the PROVINCIAL series by Hida Sangyo Kitsutsuki.
The "Provincial Series" is a collection of items that bring back to life the original style of simple, timeless living, its rustic richness and eternal nostalgia, one by one, using Japanese techniques. To give them a well-worn appearance, they are given a special antique coating, which takes special effort to create a well-worn look, and they are characterized by their ease of use honed by the simple daily lives of country dwellers, their sturdy construction that makes them easy to repair by appropriately using various types of wood, their antique style inspired by 17th century British folklore designs, and their careful finish that makes them more endearing the more they are used. Because these are handmade products, the condition of the antique finish, such as scratches and wear, will vary from item to item.
The "Standard Collection" is suited to modern Japanese lifestyles and is useful in a variety of situations. It is a collection of simple designs that focuses on the little moments of life and suits any lifestyle.
- Warehouse stock location
- -
- Main material
- - White Oak
- Rush Sheet
- Notes
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- Condition
★★★★★★ New or unused ★★★★★ Almost unused ★★★★ No significant scratches or stains ★★★ Slightly scratched and soiled ★★ Scratches and stains ★ Overall poor condition
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