Moomintroll and his friends are a representative Nordic icon born in Finland. In order to weave an original story for the characters, who have been loved across countries and generations, while still following the world view of the original, the design was commissioned to Masaru Suzuki, who also designs for the Finnish brand Marimekko. Its overwhelming delicacy and deep colors, created by the heavy use of the technique of overlapping colors, were praised by Sofia Jansson, a descendant of the original author Tove Jansson, who said it was "the best thing I've ever seen apart from anything drawn by Tove herself," and it won the first Moomin Product of the Year Award. After that, it became the first Japanese Moomin product to be sold in Finland.
- Masaru Suzuki
Textile designer. After graduating from the Department of Dyeing and Weaving Design at Tama Art University, she worked at Awatsuji Hiroshi Design Office. He became independent in 1995 and established Unpiat Co., Ltd. in 2002. Since 2005, she has been the founder of the fabric brand OTTAIPNU. In addition to his own brand, he has been designing for the long-established Finnish brand Marimekko since 2010. He is involved in projects for various manufacturers and brands both in Japan and overseas. Professor at Tokyo Zokei University and director of Unpiatto Ltd.
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