Burleigh BLUE CALICO Teapot #84514
Burleigh BLUE CALICO Teapot #84514
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- 倉庫住所:
- 〒144−0046 東京都 大田区 東六郷1丁目12-3
- 倉庫在庫場所
- Kamata Warehouse No. 1
This blue calico teapot is popular for its strong contrasting blue.
This is one of Burley's most iconic designs, inspired by the image of a prunus (a type of cherry blossom) falling onto ice. A warm floral pattern that makes you feel the end of a long winter and the beginning of spring.
It's the perfect size for serving tea for 2-3 people. The inside is white, so you can easily check the color of the tea.
A tea strainer is not included, so please use a tea strainer or insert a tea bag.
- サイズ(単位mm)
- - Width 190 Depth 120 Height 120
- 主な素材
- - Pottery (patterns applied by copperplate transfer printing)
- 特記事項
- - Capacity: 580ml
- Made in England
- Dishwasher and microwave safe
- Burlei products are produced by hand one by one using traditional methods. Even within the same pattern, there may be differences in color shading, ink splatters, and print misalignment, but we hope you will accept these as classic items.
- BLUE CALICO Teapot Only one item is available for sale.
- コンディション
★★★★★★ 新品、未使用 ★★★★★ 未使用に近い ★★★★ 目立った傷や汚れなし ★★★ やや傷や汚れあり ★★ 傷や汚れあり ★ 全体的に状態が悪い
- Burleigh
Burley was founded in 1851 and achieved success thanks to the efforts of two men, Frederick Burgess and William Leigh. Since moving to its current factory in 1889, all of its series have been produced at the same factory (Middleport Pottery). The factory was designated an Important Cultural Property in 2011 and was restored over a period of three years and at great expense by the then Prince Charles' charitable foundation. Even today, we continue to make ceramics by hand, inheriting the techniques and wonderful designs of our skilled craftsmen.
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