Uniflex Furniture Vintage Sideboard #85359
Uniflex Furniture Vintage Sideboard #85359
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- 〒144−0046 東京都 大田区 東六郷1丁目12-3
- 倉庫在庫場所
- Kamata Warehouse No. 1
This is a vintage sideboard designed by Peter Hayward in the 1960s by British mid-century brand Uniflex.
This is a rare manufacturer that is not often seen in the Japanese vintage market. The form that has its roots in Danish furniture is impressive. Combined with the grain of the rosewood, the simple yet sophisticated design is eye-catching.
After the war, modern Scandinavian design became very popular, and Scandinavian-style furniture began to be made in the UK as well. The UK's high level of technology and production capacity, which had a foundation in traditional furniture making, made it possible to produce high-quality furniture. Representative British manufacturers include G-PLAN, which was one of the first to adopt Danish design, and the long-established Scottish manufacturers AHMcIntosh and Nathan. There were also many other excellent Scandinavian-style furniture manufacturers. Scandinavian-style furniture made in the UK during the mid-century period is still highly regarded today for its quality and design that is comparable to authentic Scandinavian furniture, and has become increasingly popular in recent years.
- サイズ(単位mm)
- - Width 1120 Depth 455 Height 740
- Drawer inner dimensions x4 Width 415 Depth 375 Height 110
- 主な素材
- - Rosewood
- Natural wood
- 特記事項
- - Removable shelves
- コンディション
★★★★★★ 新品、未使用 ★★★★★ 未使用に近い ★★★★ 目立った傷や汚れなし ★★★ やや傷や汚れあり ★★ 傷や汚れあり ★ 全体的に状態が悪い ※camoriでは、使用上差し支えないことを基準に商品のメンテナンスしています。詳しいメンテナンスポリシーについてはこちらからご確認ください。
- Uniflex Furniture
A British manufacturer active in the 1960s. Although it is not well known in Japan, it is highly regarded worldwide for its designer furniture due to its high design quality and reliable quality. Along with G-PLAN and McIntosh, it is one of the leading British mid-century furniture manufacturers.
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